By Kelly Bridgewater
Something has been bothering me lately.
Personal Pronouns.
The last one I have never heard of until recently.
It means: “Could be actually a man, a woman, both,
neither, or something else entirely.”
According to the LGBT Resource Center, “Using
someone’s correct pronouns is an important way of affirming someone’s identity
and is a fundamental step in being an ally.”
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My question: Why is this necessary?
Are we honestly in the day and age where Americans
do not know their gender? Maybe Biology needs to be taught to these brainwashed
I am a woman who loves cars, loud 80’s, heavy metal,
and rock/alternative music, Hockey, will never wear a dress, and doesn’t wear
make-up rarely ever. I don’t mind getting dirty.
I despise Hallmark and Contemporary romance novels.
I hate spa days.
I hate sitting around and just talking with others.
I enjoy war movies and tons of actions movies
But does that make me confused about my gender?
Of course not!
I know I am a woman. Look at my body. Pretty
I’m a nice person to everyone. I respect everyone.
No matter the color of their skin or their proclaimed gender.
But don’t you dare try to offend these people or you
are in trouble.
That is not important anymore.
Only what offends them.
Our country has gone away from its moral compass.
My grandparents would have smacked me if I would
have said something like this young generation is and trying to push onto
others who see different from them.
Another term is transphobia.
This is a term that their community has created for
anyone who disagrees with their viewpoint.
It is a not a correct vernacular term at all.
Just because I disagree with your sin does not make
me afraid of you.
Sin is sin. No matter how many rainbows you cover it
Don’t comment if you are going to be mean!!!!
My blog. My personal opinion.
I know I am not the only one. This is a popular viewpoint.
We are just doing not being vocal and rude about it like
they are.