By Kelly Bridgewater
As a child, I really enjoyed Full House and Boy Meets
I wanted to be friends with my siblings like
Stephanie, D.J, and Michelle. I always wanted to be DJ Tanner. They had such a
fun life for so many people in their home.
I was smart like Topanga and wanted a boy like Cory
Matthews to fall in love with me and love me forever. I wanted a full ride
scholarship. I thought English was my dream job since I LOVE to read, but after
life experience, I should have been an FBI detective or a criminal lawyer.
I wanted to a marriage with a man who could make me
laugh like Jill Taylor.
But . . .
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Now that I am an adult. I am a little of a couple of
I feel like Jill Taylor the most. My husband is
handy at working on cars and working on fixing on things around the house when
he wants to. He does not blow things up, but he is handy. The trick is to get
him to do them.
I have three boys. I attended college with three
boys. My boys, unfortunately, were a lot younger than the Taylor’s boys when
Jill went back to graduate school to earn her MA and Ph.D. in Psychology. Mine
was in Writing.
I also find myself like Bill Cosby when he complains
and instructs the five children in his life. I have laughed at the same things
that I have told my children over and over again. I do not have the romance and
laughs all the time like these shows display.
Marriage and parenting is hard.
Not a lot of laughs.
I like things to have a purpose and in their place.
My husband is a messy person who collects
EVERYTHING. We might need it in 30 years, so I want to hang on to it. My mother
didn’t want it, so I brought it home. Not that we need it, but I own it now.
This is what
most of our argument is over.
With God’s grace, we have been together for 21 years
and counting.
Ignore the small things. Marriage is better than that.
What about you? What family sitcoms mirror your
current life?