Friday, May 11, 2018

Kindle Dilemma

By Kelly Bridgewater

Last week, I mentioned the problems I have with going to tons of book sales always on the lookout for the next great find.

This week, I want to talk about my Kindle.

Don't get me wrong. I LOVE my Kindle. It is easy and convenient to carry around 600 plus books in a tiny device.

My issue is the ability to get new books instantly in my own home. All I have to do is shop at Amazon's store, and the book will download instantly.

At last count, I was at 800 plus books downloaded to my Kindle and the cloud. If you read my post two weeks ago, I showed you the links to where I hunt for discounted e-books. Nothing wrong with that.

But my problem is: having books on my Kindle that I couldn't wait to read, but never getting actually around to reading them.

I spend days, weeks, and months hunting for the next cheap Kindle book to purchase, but then, I jump at the chance to purchase them when they reach my price range. But once I have them, it is a slim chance that I will ever get around to reading them because I have physical books to read and review books to read.

Don't get me wrong. I do read them eventually, but it can take a long time for me to get around reading them.

Amazon has a great racket with their Kindles.

I buy the book. Okay. A lot of books, but I keep buying more. I haven't read a lot of them yet either. I buy Kindle versions of the physical books I own. Just in case, I go on a trip somewhere and need that book.


A never-ending cycle that runs around and around, begging me to buy and download another Kindle book.

How about you? Do you have a Kindle? Do you have the same issue with Kindle books like I do?

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