Friday, May 25, 2018

Memorial Day

By Kelly Bridgewater

Memorial Day.

Happy Memorial Day!

This weekend is the opening of swimming pools and starts the official summer season.

Time of bar-b-ques and spending time outside of school.

Time to cut grass. EVERY WEEK.

Gardens. Fresh produce. YUM!!!

Time for my boys to play outside.

More time to work outside, planting flowers and removing the dead trees from our woods and planting three for every one we have taken down.

Nieces and Nephews come spend the week with us.

I look forward to all these things, but I'm not looking forward to the heat and humidity.

Why can't summer stay in the seventies during the day and slip into the fifties at night? Then I wouldn't mind summer so much.

Anyway, however you define the beginning of summer, I pray you have a fun time and make memories with your family and love ones.

How about you? What defines summer for you?

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