Friday, August 2, 2024

Saying Good-bye

By Kelly Bridgewater

Have you ever had to say good-bye to work friends who you have struggled and persevered with for a long time?

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In the past two years, I have lost six employees that I have worked with for two years to five years.

We have complained to each other.

We laughed together.

We have shared our personal lives struggles.

We have spent 42.5 hours together for up to five years.

In May 2023, I lost my work bestie. I still call her and complain about things going on at work.

We meet for dinner and talk about our lives and work.

She has moved on to another job.

In March 2024, I lost another work friend that has made me laugh so much while we worked together for the past five years. He is from New York and was a New York Rangers fan but moving to Indiana, no one really talks about ice hockey, and it is not shown on television that much, so he lost track of them.

When he heard me talking about hockey and my love for the Colorado Avalanche, we started to keep track of hockey together. Whose team was better? During the Stanley cup playoffs run of 2022, we won the Cup, and his team went to the Eastern Conference finals.

We talked about the games from the night before.

We talked about his wife and my family.

I miss him.

Ever worked with someone that just made the job a little more pleasant? Did they or you leave and go somewhere else? How did that work out?

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