Friday, August 9, 2024

Back to School

By Kelly Bridgewater

This semester will be my last semester for my oldest to be in college. In December, he will graduate with his Bachelor’s degree in Theater.

I hope he finds work in this field.

He wants to be a voice actor like Robin Williams.

He does Disney Character impersonations already. He has videos on YouTube.

He enjoys participating in comedic theater.


My youngest son is a sophomore this year.

He is maturing and growing into a little man. He is taller than me, and I can’t believe it.


Be with all the students this year that have to attend school. Open their brains to fill it with the knowledge they need. Help them to understand the importance of a good education. Work hard. Get good grades and move forward in life as they serve you.

Guide the teachers to teach the truth and plant seeds of enjoyment in the students’ lives as they instruct day in and day out. Encourage them and help them to not grow weary.

Help the parents to understand that the teachers are humans. They can make mistakes, but they are there to help educate their children.

Encourage those who work in Education but are not the actual teachers. Administrative Assistants. Principals. Professors. Financial Aid Counselors. Admissions Counselors. Deans.

Help the entitlement of parents and students to disappear. Must earn what they think they are entitled to.


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