Friday, January 5, 2024

Prayer for 2024

By Kelly Bridgewater


2024 will bring some big changes for me.

I want to spend more time actually reading my Bible and enjoy the time I spend with the Lord. I maybe read it about two times a week. Not steady at all! I want to dive deep into a relationship with you, but when I pray, I feel like I spend more time complaining about my life that I am not happy with, then actually looking for the good in my life. A totally pessimistic personality. I want church friends who will actually grow and pray with me. I do NOT have any of that. I want a Godly friend who will come alongside me, pray with me, and be there for. Someone who will listen when I gripe, and then pray with me as we present my issues to you.

I plan to spend less time reading and reviewing books (More about this later!) but more time on actually researching and writing my novels.

I have had the desire to be a published author since I was ten years old. I have many story ideas floating around in my head. I have even written three complete novels that were not written well. Still struggling with finding the confidence to write after the passing of my Daddy over eight years ago. If viewers have followed this blog or browse through my past posts, they will see the trail of unwritten words but the desire to write. Being depressed has not helped me to write either. I know I have issues that need dealt with, but I don’t know how to deal with them.

I need an accountability partner who is willing to meet with me and FORCE me to write. I need a person who understands the ins and outs of writing a novel. Maybe even someone who has been published and is willing to take some time to make me a better and more confident writer. Someone who is willing to meet at least once a month and is willing to be harsh with my writing. But someone who will pray with me and encourage me too. I know some writing friends who would fit the bill, but I am afraid to ask them to come alongside me and do this. Lord, I need the encouragement to ask them.

As for my family, we are maneuvering through the life of a college senior and an adult male who works full-time and a high school freshman / sophomore. He wants his brothers to move out since he has always shared a room with his older brother, who now works full-time. He wants his own privacy and space. Don’t blame him. I did not have my own room until my junior year in high school, then married two years later. Did not last long.

While we are working at paying off our house, twenty years early, we are debating if we should even stay in Indiana. We don’t belong in Indiana. We both want better for our lives and our futures. This will not happen in Indiana. If we should leave, which I am praying that will happen ALL THE TIME, where should we go and when. I want to move north where there is the possibility of snow and more outdoor activities to do. But the truth of the matter is, can we afford to move elsewhere? Where would we work?

I want to grow our marriage. Something is missing. Is it me? How do I become a better wife? How to I find that spark that used to be in our marriage. I feel like my husband’s mother, who is reminding him to clean up after himself all the time. Reminding him of chores that need to be done around the house and our property. Reminding him of “projects” that he wants to do, but he starts them and does not work on them at all. I feel like we are just roommates who sleep in the same bed when I can tolerate his snoring. Most nights I sleep on the couch because his snoring is SO LOUD. I don’t feel like I am in a marriage; I just have four grown boys to deal with. A single mother. Plus, I know that I, personal, have checked out a long time ago too. How do I better myself in my marriage? Can’t force all the blame on him. I know I am a horrible wife. No affection from me. All we do together is shop and eat out at Texas Roadhouse. Help!

Long prayer, but Lord, I need help with all of the items.


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