Friday, June 3, 2022

Welcome to Sin Month

 By Kelly Bridgewater

Welcome to June!

A month that normally promotes June weddings.


Warm weather.

Pools are open.

Long days.

Riding bikes until about 10 o'clock at night because the sun does not go down until 10:30 pm.

What a great time to be a child!

I have great memories of hanging out way late with my friends.

BUT . . .

now the world wants to promote National Sin Month in June.

This is the time of the year when the world wants to promote the gay and transgender lifestyles.

It is okay to promote the sin as long as it fits their agenda.

I have a number of gay friends.
I'm not the one to condone this for their lifestyle. That is God's job, not mine.

I treat them with the utmost in respect and enjoy hanging out with them.

However, when the majority, not the friend's I hang out with, want to show the sin down my throat and call me a bigot because I know it is wrong. If these people would actually be honest with themselves, they know it is wrong too.

Two genders: Male and Female.

Satan allows the lie to believe that people are attracted to other of the same sex. No right either.

Read what happened to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Read Romans 1.

Read some passages in Revelation.

Not good for these people.

What about you? Do you think it is okay to celebrate SIN for a whole month? Let's go back to June as the wedding month. 

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