Friday, February 19, 2021

Writing Bug

 By Kelly Bridgewater



That is definitely want makes up my character.

I have talked a number of time of how my love of reading began.

But I was thinking the other day, how did my love of writing actually start?

Well . . .

My best friend, Robin, and I used to play Imagination games all the time in her yard. It was not hard to see a mansion in her side yard. She had a tree that stood next to a chain link fence. We used to jump at opposite branches and shake them up and down. We imagined they were our horses. Her neighbor had one of those overgrown evergreen bushes that had a tunnel through it. We used to crawl through it like a tunnel out of castle as we ran for our lives. Another neighbor across the street had a tree in the front yard that had branches like a staircase as you climbed higher higher. We used to walk up it like stairs in our mansion. We played for hours with our Barbies. We played on the swing set with lava flowing under our feet. We swam for hours like mermaids in her pool.

Robin and I created our own world called Iceland where we were sent to earth to escape a horrible witch. I loved the story, and we kept playing it over and over again. Different every time that I wanted to capture our stories. I would spend hours at night when the sun went down writing down our days adventures. This was my first love of writing stories.

My writing expended.

I wrote the "original" Mighty Ducks 3 with me as one of the characters.

I wrote a Haunted Mansion story.

I wrote a play.

I wrote a Christmas story.

I wrote a story with twins. One dying in a car accident and how the other was going to survive.

I wrote three complete 300 page novels. Two romantic suspense novels.

I wrote the first half to a historical fiction story.

I was researching a World War II spy novel when my father died.

Then all my writing stopped.

I jumped both feet directly into reading and reviewing.

It is easier than trying to be creative.

But I feel the whispers of another story that I think God wants me to compose. I have started some research again.

I was explaining the story to my nineteen-year-old son, and he sounded excited. "I must read this story Mom." Which is great news from a kid who crafts fantasy stories in his own world, but does not want to read historical or mystery novels at all.


Please allow me to find the correct research and be able to compose this novel. I want the write stories that you have placed on my heart again.


Please come along side and pray that this happens too. 

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