Friday, May 1, 2020

Frugal Tips

By Kelly Bridgewater

How do you save money?

My eighteen-year-old son is going into the big world soon, and he wanted to know how do I save money?

My husband works really hard, but we still make next to nothing. Sometimes I wished we made more money.

So here are some tips that I have done to save our family money"

Yard sales -  I love shopping at yard sales. I purchase name brand jeans, sweaters, shorts, t-shirts for about a $1 a piece. So I can clothe my kids for an entire year for less than $50. I also look for Christmas gifts when I go. I have gotten Thomas Kincade pictures for my mom. Computer monitors for my husband. Kitchen appliances for pennies on the dollar.

Church rummage sales -  Just like yard sales, but they usually just take donations. So I can leave with a whole bunch of stuff for next to nothing.

Book sales -  I am always looking for the Half-Price Book Store Annual Sales. Then I can purchase books on my TBR list for $1. Then I truly stock up. (Like I really need more books.)

Clearance Items - I shop at Meijer for most of my food. Then put orange stickers on things that are at least 75% off. I have gotten yogurt for 20 cents versus $1. I look for those stickers. I also hit their clearance food rack and find cereal, seasonings, and coffee at deep discounts. Meijer, also, does a couple of times a year to move their inventory in their shoe and clothes department. Buy One, Get One for a $1. When buy our family their annual shoes then. I bought my husband these $75 shoes right before Christmas with a $20 Meijer buck coupon, and got me a pair for a $1. Two pairs of shoes for $55. Both Sketchers. Yeah!

Stock up - I told my son to watch for good prices on meat. Then make sure you have cash in an envelope, and I buy about 100 pounds at once. Sounds funny, but I have a big freezer. Then I don't have to buy meat for at least six months. Score!  Can goods are another thing that I like to have a huge supply of. Less likely to go shopping if I have all this on hand. In October, I take the stored money and purchase enough shampoo, conditioner, deodarant, body wash, soap, dish soap, toilet paper, tissue, laundry soap, and water softener salt to last us through winter.

This way I only have to buy fresh veggies, fruit and milk on a weekly basis. Most of the supplies are already at our house.

How about you?

Do you like to save money? Have any tips I should try?

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