Friday, March 3, 2017


By Kelly Bridgewater

With Valentine's Day a couple of weeks ago, I wanted to write about five things that I love. I'm not including God or my family because those are pretty much a given. I know we all have things that we just can't imagine living without! I have those things I love, and I wanted to share them with you.

Let's get started:

1.) BOOKS-

          I love anything to do with books. The filled bookshelves. A new, unexplored bookstore. New books. I love to look at classic leather-bound books. I love to find a hidden treasure in a bookstore and take him home to live among my friends in my home library. With my Kindle, I love it too. Even though it is a physical book, and I can't smell the page or see my books lined on a shelf. I really enjoy taking my Kindle with me everywhere I go. That way if I start a book and it doesn't catch my attention right then and there, I can always switch to another book. Right now, I have downloaded 1000 books to my Kindle. Don't worry! Only 500 are downloaded to the actual device.

2.) SNOW-

          I know there are some of you out there are cringing, but I can't help it! I LOVE SNOW!!!! I always have. I watch the weather reports from December 'til March, praying for at least five inches of snow. I love winter the best. It is cold, and the world is quiet. Have you ever gone outside while the snow is falling and lay down in the snow and look up to the heavens. Peaceful! I love building snowmen, animals, and forts with my family. Sledding is awesome! I spend all day running up and down the hills, laughing and making memories with my boys. Nothing is better than spending hours out in the cold, then come inside, drink cocoa and play games. The perfect day! But of course, Indiana hasn't gotten a lot of snow in the past twelve years, so I feel cheated. Lord, bring me more snow!

My golden retriever, Happy

3.) DOGS-

          I'm a little partial to my golden retriever and beagle, but I have a soft spot for dogs. They are warm and cuddling. What is better than to have an animal that loves when you come home! My husband knows that for the rest of our lives we will have a golden retriever. My golden retriever is my only daughter and she means so much to me. She is well-behaved and loves to just sit next to me when I write, read, or take walks through the countryside. She is my constant companion. I even refer to her as my only daughter. I can't imagine my life without her. She has been around for almost ten years, and I don't want to lose her ever!!


          I really love taking a walk through the woods, especially in the fall and winter. Nothing is more serene then spending time with your thoughts and my golden retriever. Some of my best story ideas occur while I take a stroll through the woods. Also, some of my favorite moments are spent in prayer with God as I walk along. Those moments resound in my soul.

          We are a part of a Married with Children Sunday School class, and it has about 11 couples in the class. All of us have children and are walking through this life together. We have books and Bible studies that we do as a group, but there have been a number of weeks where we don't talk about the book. Instead, we lift each other up in prayer and seek God's face. We spend time helping out each other's houses and meet for dinner once a month where the kids can roam free and play while us adults take a break and enjoy our fellowship. I'm truly grateful that we got plugged into a great Sunday School class as we journey through life and our relationship with God together.

Here are just five things that I LOVE. How about you? Is there anything, besides God and your family, that you LOVE? Leave a comment and let's start a discussion.

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