Friday, November 17, 2017


By Kelly Bridgewater

Next Thursday is Thanksgiving. While the whole idea of Thanksgiving seems weird to me since my ancestors are Native Americans, I still spend time with my family, and we mention the items we are thankful for.

Here is a short list:

1. The ability to worship and tell others about God.
2. The ability to spend time with my family without feeling quilty.
3. My husband
4. My three boys, who are growing up way too fast.
5. My extended family . . . Mom, Matthew, Alicia, Mason, Makayla, Miquel, Von, Steve, Stephanie
6. The ability to still think about family members who are gone that are missed greatly . . . My Daddy, Auntie, and my grandfather (all who left this earth for heaven six months apart :(   ).
7. My house
8. My dogs (Happy, golden retriever, and Snoopy, beagle)
9. A job for my husband that provides just what we need to serve God and raise our family, even if there really isn't a lot of more for elaborate vacations like a lot of people I know.

10. A loving husband who doesn't force me to get a job or look down on me because I don't financially support our family. I homeschool our youngest son, cut our four acres, and take care of our garden and chickens among cleaning the house and keeping appointments in order for the family.
11. The ability to read and write what I want.
12. Being debt free!!!
13. Food to eat.
14. Boys that love me, show respect to others, and are developing a love for the Lord, which makes me smile all the time.
15. I'm glad that I'm American, even though our country is losing its values so quickly.

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