Thursday, June 27, 2024

TBR Pile

By Kelly Bridgewater

At the beginning of 2024, I decided to read a book for review, then read a book on my To-Be- Read Pile. I had 50 of them on Goodreads that were published a while ago. I deleted some that I did not have in paperback or on my Kindle. Someday, when I purchase those, then I’ll read them.

I noticed as I read them, it was nice to see my “Want to Read” books in my Goodreads account actually go down. Many of them I had as physical books on my bookshelf, and some were on my Kindle.

I worked through the ones on my Kindle first since I carry that everywhere with me.

Then I worked through the paperback copies, but those were in the evening since it is harder to carry those books to work to read during my lunch time.

Some of the books were on the list since 2015 when I started on Goodreads. It was nice to read them and actually not to have write a review for them.

I enjoy reading and reviewing books, but it was nice to read them and then move to the next one without sharing my thoughts on the book.

Next I plan to read the physical books that I own that I have not read yet. I think I have about 50 books there too that have not been read yet.

Plus, this will be a good way to decide once I am finished reading them, if this is something that I will keep or donate to our church library.

Selfishly, this way I can make more room for additional books.

What about you? As a book dragon, I am sure it is easy to purchase books, but then forget to read them. Ever tried something where you prioritize reading those books that were lonely sat on the shelf and forgotten because you were going to get to them some day. 

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