By Kelly Bridgewater
Cover Copy:
A Brotherhood Scattered.
A Future Denied. Who will Stand Against the Darkness?
Conor and Aine have barely escaped Seare with their lives. Conor knows he must return to find the harp that could end the Red Druid’s reign of terror, but in the midst of their escape, he and Aine are torn apart once more. Surrounded by despair and thrown into as much danger as they left behind, Conor and Aine must cling to the whispers of Comdiu’s plans for them and the homeland that depends on their survival. But at what cost? Will they learn to depend on Comdiu completely? Or will they give up hope?
My first introduction to fantasy was
reading C. S. Lewis’ Narnia series when I was a little girl. I still read
fantasy books whenever one captures my interest. I admire the writers who can
write in this genre.
Laureano invites the readers back to the
Song of the Seare series with a bang, wrapping the readers into the Celtic lore
and fantasy. The prose and dialogue are equally matched, allowing the
characters to show their emotions and thoughts while they move rapidly through
the story. I really enjoyed following Aine and Conor through the forests and
cities of Seare and Amanta while they struggle to survive.
Two aspects of the story stood out to
me. First, I love how Laureano made a strong, decisive heroine in Aine. Most
fantasy novels have weak women who just give birth in the corner or be the
mother figure, but the women do not get to have special powers and fight. Aine
does. I’m grateful for that. Second, I love the parallel with the Biblical
stories of Jesus dying for sinners and the idea of the characters using their
given talents to save the world. It made me smile. If only, all of us would use
our God-given talents to inspire others to do better things in the world.
I truly enjoyed the story and think my
teenage son will be enraptured by the captivating story. C. E. Laureano’s book,
Beneath the Forsaken City, captures
the imagination of the readers, dragging them through the fight for good over
evil while the characters learn their own identity in Comdiu.
I received a paperback copy of Beneath the Forsaken City by C. E.
Laureano from Tyndale House Publishers and all the opinions stated are my own.
E. Laureano’s Bio:
C.E. Laureano's love of fantasy began
with a trip through a magical wardrobe, and she has never looked back. She's
happiest when her day involves martial arts, swords, and a well-choreographed
fight scene. When pressed, she'll admit to a love of theater, travel, and good
food, which she attributes to her romance-writing alter ego, Carla Laureano.
Appropriately, she's the wife to a martial arts master and mom to two boys who spend most of their time jumping off things and finding objects to turn into light sabers. They live in Denver, Colorado with a menagerie of small pets.
Appropriately, she's the wife to a martial arts master and mom to two boys who spend most of their time jumping off things and finding objects to turn into light sabers. They live in Denver, Colorado with a menagerie of small pets.
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