Friday, July 12, 2024

Too Hot

By Kelly Bridgewater

Summer is miserable. I know I have talked about this a million times.

But it is so true.

Is it climate change? Is it a cycle for the seasons?

Adobe Stock

Who knows except God.

I, personally, feel like it is a cycle and eventually, the Earth will go back to normal. Plenty of data to back that up.

Can we be more responsible and grow plants, vegetables, and recycle?

Of course.

It is our duty to help keep the environment clean and better for future generations.

However, my complaint is about winter. Where I live in Central Indiana, it is not really winter anymore.

From December 1st, 2023, through March 21st 2024, I kept track of the highs for each day. Only 10 days were below 32 for the high.

10 DAYS!!!!

That is all the winter that we had. We had two days of dusting snows and one day of 4.5 inches of snow.

Most days were in the fifties. Even had seventies in February.

Not good!

Yes, it is good for my paycheck because I do not have to fill up the propane tank as much, but I like to spend time in-doors, all cozy and comfy.

With it being seventy in February, then I have to mow grass sooner.

I have to pull weeds sooner.

I have to spend time with bugs and be miserable.

I hibernate more in the summer, then the winter.

Summer means more chores outside.

What about you? Do you like Summer? If so, WHY??????

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