Friday, June 7, 2024

Reasons for My Blog

By Kelly Bridgewater

In September 2013, I attended my first ACFW Conference in Indianapolis, IN with Robin Jones Gunn as the Keynote speaker. Gunn was my introduction to the world of Christian fiction writing with the Christy Miller series.

A piece of advice I received at this writing conference was to make an active blog.

Review books.

Write blog posts.

Follow editors and publishing companies on Facebook and their blogs.

Comment on their posts.

Tag them in posts.

Become known to the writers, so they can have you read and review their books.

Join street teams.

The main point was to get my name out there.

People need to see that I can meet a deadline, and I know the aspects of a good book.

My Masters in Writing helps that knowledge too.

So as someone who wants to have her writing published, in June 2014, I started my personal blog. I have done a number of reviews one or more a week, depending on the week.

I enjoy spreading the word about authors I have met and formed an alliance with.

I loved talking about books that have captured my attention.

I loved sharing about verses in Scripture that have spoken to me.

I loved sharing about writing or life choices that have affected me in the past year.

However, where do I go from here?

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