Friday, May 17, 2024

Series Finale That Got It Right

By Kelly Bridgewater

Every read a book that was so fabulous that you honestly could not wait to get your hand on the second, third, or even fourth book. BUT when you actually read the book, it did live up to the previous book in the series. Today, I am going to share some books that I loved the first or second book in the series, but the ending of the series did completely blew the story out of the water. These writers promised a good ride and body did they deliver. (All covers and synopsis come from Goodreads.)

No Matter the Cost by Susan May Warren

Checkmate by Steven James

Thirst of Steel by Ronie Kendig

Soul Raging by Ronie Kendig

Drawn by the Current by Jocelyn Green

Know of any other books that did fabulous at handling the end of a series? Please let me know. I love books that deliver a final push that rocks the ending of the novel.

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