Friday, November 24, 2023


By Kelly Bridgewater

Hopefully, every company in America has decided to remove the request for weekly testing or the requirement for the Covid “vaccine”.

It is not legal or constitutional.

My medical history has nothing to do with what my skills are needed to do a job.

My son has been tortured by his employer since he refuses to take the vaccine. He only works two days a week, and they do not want to do the testing on the days that he works.

I have to do it every week. Always has been negative.

BUT . . .

Many people that I work with who took the jab have been sick a number of times with Covid. Why are they not being tested every week?

Does not make sense at all.

The shot does NOT work, and you have no science to prove it does.

There are 14 know pages of side effects for the shot. That is 13.5 pages more than any other shot aka vaccine that has ever been created.

But the government wants to treat everyone like they are lab rats and force them to take the shot. Even though it does not work.

Companies should not be able to force any perspective employee from earning the position because they refuse to take the shot.

Schools can not refuse to admit students because they were more educated than the higher ups.

Our countries priorities have fallen drastically.

What about you? Do you believe it is right for the government to mandate this? Why or why not? 

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